Chorus: G D C G D C 1. "Easy-Peezy, Lemon-Squeezy", she said, sarcasm dripping from this line. 2. "Easy-Peezy, Lemon-Squeezy", knowing, that men of God are rare in ---- deed. 3. Easy-Peezy, Lemon-Squeezy, I had stepped to the plate, "How are you, Ma'am?" 4. Easy-Peezy, Lemon Squeezy, to be good e --------- nough to be her guy. G D C G D C 1. "A man who's every choice is based on the Lord's voice, is easy- peezy to find." 2. "Easy- Peezy, Lemon- Squeezy, could it be I'm the one to fit her need? 3. Easy- Peezy, Lemon- Squeezy, I've learned just what a selfish man I am. 4. Easy- Peezy, Lemon- Squeezy, Easy- peezy, my eye.... [End] Stanza A: D G 1. The fires of hope were stoked when to me, she said 2. How I'd hoped to be the man she'd prayed for. D G 1. "you're closest to what Jesus was, that I've met." 2. For this girl all of my life I'd trade for C G 1. And of course that claim made me feel mighty 2. But when circumstances stripped my soul bare C G 1. Just a nagging whisper warning slightly. 2. I was shocked to find the darkness stowed there. Stanza B: D G 3. I surprised myself with how unworthy D G 3. Of her love we men can be D G 3. I found out that I am just as sleazy; C D 3. I fit in the batch that's just too measly.